I'm currently trying to finish drying my fitted sheet on the oil heater. I don't want to take it back outside to the garage to put it back in drier. The ground outside is literally freezing. Our flat is freezing. Zero insulation in any direction. I wonder if Mum has a spare woolen underlay because my room gets so cold I can see my breathe in the morning (hint hint). My flat in Dunedin was so much warmer.
I'm running around trying to wash, dry, bake, pack and prep for tomorrow. I'm flying down for the long weekend to see Dylan which I am very excited about. There is lost so much life admin involved. Guys don't understand how much coordination there is in even just packing underwear. Do these knickers go well under these trousers? Will the matching bra go underneath the tops you plan to wear with said pants? Are any of the above items even clean to pack?! I also get to see my best friend and my charming wee god daughter. In the process of getting my life sorted my room has been in various states of disarray.
The "my room is the only place in the house I can't see my beath in so I'm going to find somewhere to sit and eat my dinner" phase
The "pull everything out of the cupboards to try and find my missing wheat bags to give to Dylan" phase.
The "fuck! My sheets are still wet!" Panic phase
Amongst all this I am trying to bake spice crisps for D to take away with us to Hamner Springs. They are gingery and delicious and I think will go nicely with a cup of tea, a cosy fire and a good book. Every fifth biscuit though is coming out such a runt. There is only so much evidence of poor performance you can hide before you start to feel sick..
I managed to redeem myself with episode II of the average beef stir fry. It really wasn't too bad second time around. The real test will be with the frozen breast of chicken I have waiting to be used tomorrow.
Why the sausage rolls in the title? For the first time since I've been working at my current job our department splashed out and got super great catering. Included in this was some excellent handmade sausage rolls. It was as if the stars had aligned because I had some made sausage roll cravings earlier today. You just can't beat a cheeky sausage roll with a good dunking of T sauce.
Oh and also. I bought some cheap pb for my snickers brownie the other day but I didn't use it all. I took it into work to put in my porridge in the morning and can I just say it is still legit. 97% peanuts. The remaining 3% peanut oil and salt. So it's 99.99% peanuts really. Just like Pics. This jar also set me back only $2.50 in New World vs the $7 they wanted to charge me for the Pics equivalent. Sure it's not as tasty to eat off the spoon but it does the trick sure enough. Get back amongst I say.