Good afternoon!
Isn't it a lovely day today? I feel as though I have wasted it by being inside and cleaning the kitchen and making scones. Oh well it is only 2pm! Many more hours in the day to come!
So for a few weeks now I have been saying to myself that I will make some of my Mum's pinwheel scones. I finally got off my bum and bought some cream and lemonade and got down to it.
The Edmonds Cookbook calls these Chelsea buns. Actually so does my Mum. When someone says Chelsea bun, I think of bread based and covered in pink icing . . I am so confused.
These are super easy. The scones most people are used to are ones with butter as the fat source. We used to make those then one day Mum tried making this recipe and she has never turned back. They are just so much easier.
All you will need is:
4 cups of self raising flour (or 4 cups of standard flour with 8 teaspoons of baking powder)
1 cup (approx) of cream
1 cup (approx) of lemonade
30g melted butter
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Method (makes 16 ish):
Preheat your oven to 220 degrees on bake.
Sieve your flour into a large bowl.
In a separate container, pour in half a cup of cream and half a cup of lemonade to begin with.
Make a well in the flour, then pour in the liquids.
Mix with a knife or spoon and keep gradually adding equal parts of lemonade and cream until you have a nice dough that is not too sticky but not too dry either.
Roll the dough out on a floured surface into a large rectangle.
Brush the melted butter over the whole rectangle either with a pastry brush or your fingers.
Sprinkle the brown sugar and cinnamon over all the dough.
Roll the dough up like a giant sushi roll.
Using a sharp knife, slice the roll into slices 2cm thick (mine were thinner than that - whoops).
Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Using your fingers, pat some milk over the top of each pinwheel. This keeps them moist but also makes them colour up nicely on the top.
Bake at 220 degrees for 15 minutes.
Remove from oven and leave to cool on a cooling rack.
Once completely cool, make up a simple white icing. Use about a cup of icing sugar, 10g of butter, teaspoon of vanilla and enough hot water to make it reasonably runny.
Put a dollop of icing over each scone. Or you could trail it over to make stripes. Up to you.
Pull the scones apart and enjoy!
A few tips on scones:
-Don't over handle the dough. Probably something to do with over working the glutent. Mum just told me -not to do it, so I don't.
-Mix with a knife (again Mum said so, so it must be true)
-When making normal scones (ie date, sultana, cheese etc), place them close together on the baking tray so that they rise upwards rather than outwards.
-Sieve sieve sieve!
We didn't exactly have a conventional rolling pin handy. . . .
(This is just to show you how big the rectangle was in relation to my hand)
There you have it!
So, next time it is a dreary Dunedin day, whip up these scones, they are sure to brighten things up!